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You’ve reached the home page of Thomas Moll
I’m a Senior Site Reliability Engineer living and working in Amsterdam. I’m currently helping Booking.com scale their database platform.
A brief overview of my professional career:
- Previously: working as a Senior SRE on LinkedIn’s Search Platform, writing services in GoLang / Python focused on observability, monitoring, and cluster orchestration.
- Worked as Senior SRE on LinkedIn’s Hadoop team, owned their $75 million+ GPU cluster for offline Machine Learning. Wrote APIs and tooling for managing GPU hardware, HDFS group management, K8s plugins for GPU and a neat Azure-to-on-prem Kerberos connector.
- Worked as an intern on LinkedIn’s Hadoop team, managing HDFS groups.
- Undergraduate Assistant at Iowa State University’s Programming Language group under Wei Le.
- Intern at Garmin International, wrote C/C++ for their Marine and Automotive product lines.
- Intern at Workiva (né Webfillings), wrote Python / Actionscript for their SaaS accounting and auditing platform.
In my professional work, I consider myself to be a Software Engineering Generalist with a specialty in Large Scale Distributed Systems. I typically write software across three languages: GoLang, Python, and Java. I’ve found Search systems to have some of the most interesting dynamics and problems to solve.
Outside of professional work I do a lot of side projects in software, typically around generative systems and modelling in Julia (see: Projects). Julia is my favorite language by far, and it’s made me a better programmer as a whole.
My sans-software projects include hiking, traveling with my wife, cooking and growing hydroponic lettuce. I’ve written about a few of these things (see: Journal). I’m a firm believer in the growth mindset; I consider myself generally well-rounded, continually learning in the pursuit of becoming a better person.
p.s. If you'd like to contact me, here's my LinkedIn or if you prefer email: [tom] @ [this domain]